Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things That Made Me Happy This Week.

So while the news is all doom and gloom and 'we're all poor blah blah blah blah blah,' I figured I would accentuate the positive and (hopefully) eliminate the negative.

Here are things that have made me happy in the last week:

-Today I had a really good job interview. Even if it doesn't land me a position, it's still a really good job interview, the kind where (gasp!) you actually enjoy talking to the people you could be potentially working for. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one.

-The love of a good woman. Alison has been a complete rock for me during this strange transitional phase I'm going through. Her love and support means the world to me and the fact that she not only puts up with my odd infatuations and eccentricities but somehow manages to encourage them says to me that I've found the right gal. Also, she's really pretty. And a good cook.

-Call of Duty 3: When you don't have a job, the most productive thing you can probably do with your time is travel back to the 1940s and shoot Nazi's in hopes of helping out the French. At one point, you fight with some mighty Canadian soldiers, and that makes me happy.... even if the game isn't nearly as VIOLENT as I'd hoped it would be. Could be that I'm just insane, however...

-The French Connection is on Blu-ray. We watched it the other night and while Friedkin has made some changes to the coloring in the film, it's otherwise a great package. I forgot how much I loved this movie. Hackman and Scheider are great in it and it remains as tense and exciting as it ever was. Some great footage of NYC in the early 70s caps it all off nicely.

If only I could get Bridgeport IPA served on tap in this neck of the woods....

1 comment:

alisonwonderland... said...

22 months and still kickin'! PS... you're pretty too. <3